3 Time Management Tips Successful Entrepreneurs Swear By

Being a successful entrepreneur requires knowing how to manage your time. When you are the go-to for a startup, there will be many tasks you have to complete within very short timelines. Time management hacks are the best way to set yourself up for success. Here are three ways to get the most out of each 24-hour day.

1. Start Each Day With an Ordered List

Know what you need to do on any given day by writing as complete a list as possible. However, don’t let a long list get you overwhelmed because once it’s all written, you need to mark what items have the highest priority and value. A rule of thumb is to choose three must-do tasks, then order the rest depending on how much time you will have left over. This also helps prevent doing the same thing over again since you can cross off each item as it is completed.

2. Make a Plan for Your Day

Once you know what you will work on, plan out how much time you need for each task. For items you have a lot of experience with, it makes sense to block off exactly how much time you need, no more and no less. For less familiar or more flexible tasks, give yourself a buffer but also add some minor task you could do if you get done early. In some cases, you can move directly to the next item on your list. For scheduled items, such as meetings and conference calls, having something to fill that bit of space can keep you from twiddling your thumbs and otherwise wrecking your time management goals for the day.

3. Start With the Most Important Task

The reason to order your list is so you know what to start with. Focus all your energy on one task at a time and knock out those important tasks first. If there is a large project on your list or one that causes you stress but it isn’t a high priority, put it out of your mind until you get to it. There is no reason to stress over something you aren’t currently working on when there’s something more important in front of you.

Time management is an important part of being a successful entrepreneur. When you prioritize your tasks and start with the most important ones, you may find you get more done in a day and meet your deadlines more successfully.


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